Hymnal Library Project | Project At-A-Glance
Project Scope:
1-525 Instrumental Accompaniments: Hymnal Piano Recording (HPR) Project
[Project A] Brisbane Video Additions: completed
[Project B] Brisbane Video Corrections: completed
[Project C] English Audio: completed
[Project D] Chinese Audio:completed
[Project E] English Video: completed
[Project F] Chinese Video: completed
1-525 Vocal Accompaniments: Hymnal Vocal Recording (HVR) Project
[Project G] English Audio/Video: recording in progress (22 hymns completed)
[Project H] Chinese Audio/Video: recording in progress (14 hymns completed)
1-525 (Non-copyrighted) Choral Arrangements: Hymnal Choral Recording (HCR) Project
[Project I] English Score/Audio/Video: planning in progress
[Project J] Chinese Score/Audio/Video
1-525 (Non-copyrighted) Instrumental Arrangements: Hymnal Instrumental Recording (HIR) Project
[Project K] Score/Audio/Video: planning in progress
Project A :: Brisbane YouTube Hymn Video Additions [COMPLETED]
Brisbane team to add the missing hymns to YouTube (can use audio recordings from Pacifica if unavailable from MVP 2021). [DONE 8/7/2021]
Lawrence to inform Richard when videos have been uploaded to YouTube, and Richard to update hymnal.tjc.org. [DONE 8/11/2021]
Project B :: Brisbane YouTube Hymn Video Corrections [COMPLETED]
Jackie to forward to Lawrence the list of hymns with lyric corrections. They have all been corrected by the service.tjc.org project team. Brisbane team to refresh the YouTube videos in question. [DONE 8/24/2021]
Richard to update hymnal.tjc.org. [DONE 9/17/2021]
464 updated on 9/19/2021. 249 updated on 6/6/2022.
Project C :: English Piano Audio Files [COMPLETED]
US review team identified around 100 hymns as ready to publish during MVP 2021. [DONE 7/16/2021]
Saved the full set of 525 hymns (best to date) to the Hymnal Recordings (Official IA Version) 'Hymns 1-525 Piano (English) [BEST-TO-DATE]' subfolder. [DONE 10/6/2021]
service.tjc.org project team to integrate the best-to-date audio files onto the service app. [DONE 3/6/2022]
Richard to work with IA to send an official letter to ACB to request help with this (Project C+E+G). [DONE 4/22/2022]
IDENTIFIERS: US review team to review the MVP 2013 recordings to see if any of them are considered ready to publish. [DONE 11/10/2021]
RECORDERS: Australia recording team and US recording team to re-record any hymns as needed. See Recording Workflow. [DONE 5/12/2023]
EDITORS: US editing team to continue editing/cleaning up the full set of 525 hymns. See Editing Workflow. [DONE 5/12/2023]
REVIEWERS: US review team to review files in the Hymnal Recordings (Official IA Version) folder and mark 2nd reviewer columns to confirm published status or recommended re-editing. See Review Workflow. [DONE 5/12/2023]
service.tjc.org project team to manually refresh/develop a script to periodically refresh the working audio files using the final set from the Hymnal Recordings (Official IA Version) 'Hymns 1-469 Piano (English)' and 'Hymns 470-525 Piano' subfolders. [DONE 7/17/2023]
Project D :: Chinese Piano Audio Files [COMPLETED]
US editing team to create by editing the English piano version (add/remove verses). [DONE 5/12/2023]
Australia/US recording team to help re-record hymns that cannot be created by editing. [DONE 5/12/2023]
Project E :: English Piano Video Files [COMPLETED]
Richard to work with IA graphic design team to finalize English hymn video template. [DONE 1/25/2022]
Richard to work with IA to send an official letter to ACB to request help with this (Project C+E+G). [DONE 4/22/2022]
US team to help put together the hymn videos when audio files are finalized (proposed tool: DaVinci Resolve).
US team to work on Hymns 1-100 [DONE 9/7/2023], 101-200 [DONE 9/19/2023], 201-300 [DONE 12/7/2023], 301-400 [DONE 2/3/2024], 401-469 [DONE 2/3/2024], 470-525 [DONE 2/3/2024]: YouTube playlist
Alan to work with US team to review and service.tjc.org Project Team to make any necessary corrections to hymn lyrics: Lyric Review Spreadsheet [DONE 12/29/2023]
Project F :: Chinese Piano Video Files [COMPLETED]
Richard to work with IA graphic design team to come up with the Chinese hymn video template. [DONE 1/25/2022]
Title page spec sheet (PowerPoint template [MODIFIED 6/2/2022], font files, service.tjc.org)
Title pages were color-corrected in Photoshop (Adjustments >Level (1.00 to 0.83))
Timing spec sheet (Premier/Final Cut Pro/DaVinci Resolve, sample video)
Richard to work with IA to send an official letter to TWGA to request help with this (Project F+H). [DONE 4/22/2022]
Richard to follow up with TWGA Music Ministry team on recruitment of volunteers. [DONE 5/31/2022]
Taiwan team to help put together the hymn videos when audio files are finalized (proposed tool: DaVinci Resolve).
Richard to facilitate discussion between US workers and Taiwan team once the official IA letter is sent. [DONE 5/31/2022]
Taiwan team to work on Hymns 1-100 [DONE 10/5/2022], 101-200 [DONE 11/17/2022], 201-300 [DONE 2/20/2023], 301-400 [DONE 6/21/2023], 401-469 [DONE 8/8/2023], 470-525 [NOT NEEDED 2/3/2024]: YouTube playlist
Alan to work with US team to review and service.tjc.org Project Team to make any necessary corrections to hymn lyrics: Lyric Review Spreadsheet [DONE 12/29/2023]
Project G :: English Vocal Audio/Video Files [HVR Project in progress]
US team completed recording of 14 hymns (e.g. H58) during MVP 2021 as an exercise. [DONE 7/16/2022]
Alan to add these 14 hymns from MVP 2021 to the review spreadsheet after mixing/mastering/refining.
Susan to continue reviewing existing hymn recordings that can be used for church services (these would be the low-priority hymns to record).
US team to coordinate more vocal recordings.
Form 2 virtual choirs initially: 2 conductors per choir and 2-3 singers per voice part per choir; 4 months per term and 10 hymns per choir per term; conductors meet with singers every two weeks for 60 minutes.
Project Timeline (first term)
All conductors to discuss about identifying and recruiting 6 singers per voice part and select 20 hymns for recording. Richard to join initial meeting with all singers (reminders to singers). [DONE 1/23/2022]
Continue to form virtual choirs:
2 terms in 2023: Jan-Mar 2023 [DONE], Nov-Dec 2023 [DONE]
2 terms in 2024: Apr-Jun 2024, Oct-Dec 2024
Form SWR in-person choirs:
2 recordings in 2023: 3/12/2023 (Cerritos Church) [DONE], 9/10/2023 (Cerritos Church) [DONE]
2 recordings in 2024: 3/24/2024 (Irvine Church), Sept 2024 (TBD)
Richard to work with IA to send an official letter to ACB to request help with this (Project C+E+G). [DONE 4/22/2022]
Richard to follow up with ACB LM on recruitment of volunteers (conductors/singers, editors).
Evaluate/check whether UK could help (conductors/singers, editors) as well.
Project H :: Chinese Vocal Audio/Video Files [HVR Project in progress]
Richard to work with IA to send an official letter to TWGA to request help with this (Project F+H). [DONE 4/22/2022]
Richard to follow up with TWGA Music Ministry team on recruitment of volunteers (choirs). [DONE 5/31/2022]
Taiwan team to coordinate vocal recordings with Psalm & Wisdom Singers.
Richard to facilitate discussion between US workers and Taiwan team once US team has some experience with Project G. [DONE 6/6/2022]
Taiwan team to record from Hymns 1-525.
Project I :: English Choral Score/Audio/Video Files [HCR Project in progress]
US team to help put together the hymn videos (lyric video format, H131&128 example) for the 23 MMP recordings.
Solicit US member compositions (guidelines).
For consideration (visuals to be re-done): US SWR Choir Presentations (except for Centennial Recordings; some of the rest are from MMP Hymnal Recordings).
Evaluate/check whether Korea (Holebsan Choir) could help as well.
Project J :: Chinese Choral Score/Audio/Video Files
Have future discussion with Taiwan team.
Project K :: Instrumental Score/Audio/Video Files [HIR Project in progress]
US team to solicit US member instrumental compositions (guidelines).